April 3, 2002 - 22:49 AMT
Among other states, which are members of Organization of Islamic conference, Azerbaijan condemned Israel's actions against Palestine. The document, adoption of which became a consequence of the conference of the heads of the foreign departments of OIC countries held in Malaysian capital, says that the struggle of the Palestinian people cannot be viewed as terrorism. «Zerkalo» newspaper being published in Baku writes in today's issue that this way Azerbaijan took anti-Israeli stand, which can threaten the prospects of the forming strategic partnership between Tel-Aviv and Baku. In the newspaper columnist's opinion, Azerbaijan found itself in rather hard situation, as it had to come out against a country, cooperation with which as it was expected could profit to it much. At the same time the article stresses that Jewish lobby support at the international level was much more modest, than one would wish to. Thus the publication author expresses confidence that there is no point for official Baku to oppose itself to the partners of the Islamic conference for the sake of the friendship with Israel. As it is known, OIC is the sole international organization openly supporting Azerbaijan in the Karabakh question.