April 2, 2002 - 23:51 AMT
Today in the morning Armenian President Robert Kocharian left for Tajikistan to pay an official visit. Tajikistan's President Imamali Rahmonov met him at the airport. The heads of the two countries will visit «Dusti» square and will place a wreath at the memorial to «National concord and revival of Tajikistan». After this, Kocharian and Rahmonov will have a tete-a-tete meeting. This will be followed by talks and signing of bilateral agreements. Today the joint press conference of the heads of the two states will take place. April 3, Robert Kocharian will meet with the Tajik Prime Minister and the chair of the Parliament. The Armenian President will visit Tajikistan's history museum and ancient Tajik town Khujant. April 4 the Armenian head and the members of the delegation led by him will leave for Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek. The meeting with Kyrgyzstan's President Askar Akayev is the first on the agenda. The meeting will be followed by talks. The signing of a number of documents is planned. Robert Kocharian and Askar Akayev will hold a joint press conference. In the course of the visit the President of Armenia will meet with the Premier of Kyrgyzsrtan and the representatives of the both Houses of the Kyrgyz parliament. The Armenian President will meet with the representatives of the Armenian Diaspora.