March 25, 2002 - 22:56 AMT
14 activists of the Communist party of Armenia are expelled from the party ruling body by the decision of the central committee plenum held the day before. In the words of member of the Communist party parliamentary faction Gagik Tadevosian, they were excluded from the central committee "for anti-Communist activity." "Arminfo" agency reports the supporters of former Chairman of the Armenian Communist Party Committee Vanya Mkhitarian and former first secretary of Yerevan Municipal Committee Yuriy Manukian are among those expelled. In the course of the plenum Parliament deputy Khoren Sargsian raised the question of necessity of changing the Republic's authorities. Sargsian suggested creating a block with left orientation parties' participation to reach this goal. In particular, creation of Union of Socialist forces headed by former member of "Karabakh" committee Ashot Manucharian was the point. But the initiative was not seconded, as the Communists did not wish to cooperate with the former activist of the Armenian All-national movement, which made a significant contribution to breakdown of the Soviet power in Armenia. At the same time, the plenum participants came out in favor of cooperation with other political forces regarding such questions as introduction of parliamentary form of government into the Republic, joining Armenia to Russia-Belarus union, stopping privatization of the objects of strategic importance. In spite of the forecasts by some media about retirement of party leader Vladimir Darbinian from the post of first secretary, he presided at the plenum.