October 22, 2009 - 16:04 AMT
Yerevan hosts two-day conference on "Quality and Correspondence of Education"
The two-day conference on "Quality and Correspondence of Education" was launched today in Yerevan. Summing up the results of the first credit program, it will mark the start of the second program implemented by RA Ministry of Education and Science under the support of WB "Educational Program Center's" project.

The first credit program made possible implementation of reforms concerning the contents and system of contemporary education, Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan said. "Our educational system has all characteristics peculiar to European system," he finds.

"Despite economic crisis, it will be possible to discuss development programs, because the second credit program helped expand the pre-school education project which envisages opening of new pre-school classes in 140 communities of Armenia," Minister noted.

Mr. Ashotyan also stressed the importance of providing accessibility to education. as one of the key tasks of Armenia's educational system. "Thanks to the World Bank's second credit program Armenia will introduce new mechanisms of university funding. We'll fund those higher educational institutions which have competitive advantage."

The program with a total budget of $ 30 million will be implemented in 2010-14.