November 9, 2009 - 17:21 AMT
Armenia can become a tourism center
Armenia can become a tourism center. As Mekhak Apresyan , head of Tourism Department of the economy ministry of Armenia told a press conference in Yerevan, Armenia adopted a relevant law and developed a concept on tourism development. "Tourism is a priority for our country. Our cultural and historical heritage, the centuries-old history open opportunities to make Armenia a tourism center and in steps have already taken in this direction," Mekhak Apresyan emphasized.

A documentary film about Armenia has been shot. The film will be soon shown on Spanish television. Negotiations are held with Discovery TV channel and the Italian RAI to show the documentary as well.

"We recently hosted the crew of the public television of Poland, which produced the program about Armenia," Mekhak Apresyan said, adding that the program will soob be broadcast in Poland. According to him, Armenia is still advertised on CNN and Euronews TV channels.