December 1, 2009 - 14:47 AMT
Lori LLC plans to sign credit agreement with Russia in 2010
Lori LLC plans to sign a credit agreement with Russia in 2010.

"The credit will allow to increase the plant's capacity and to offer more job opportunities," Lori diamond processing plant director Isahak Aghajanyan told a news conference in Nor Hajn.

"The credit will help increase exports to Russia by 30%. Two years ago, the plant operated with Russian raw materials, and now we have the necessary prerequisites to renew the collaboration with raw material suppliers, specifically with Alrosa CJSC," he noted.

According to Isahak Aghajanyan, the plant workers' average salary totals about AMD 100 000, 90% of workers are Nor Hachn residents, 10% are from Yerevan.