December 3, 2009 - 18:07 AMT
Richard Giragosyan: The important thing is that bilateral dialogue continues
After each meeting between Armenian and Azeri officials, OSCE MG Co-Chairs imitate progress in Karabakh settlement talks, according to Richard Giragosyan, Head of Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS). "I am mostly concerned by OSCE MG's sudden activeness. What they call progress may not be progress at all," he told a news conference commenting upon Armenian And Azeri FMs' meeting on the sidelines of OSCE Foreign Ministers Summit in Athens.

Absence of democracy appears to be the main problem of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian expert finds. "How can countries solve problems if they do not even trust their leaders? If not involved in the process, Armenian and Azeri societies will not approve any decision concerning Karabakh conflict settlement," Giragosyan noted.

With regard to Turkish delegation's upcoming visit to Washington, he said, "This is the last day for Turkish Parliament's International Relations Committee to pass final decision on Armenian-Turkish Protocols."