February 20, 2002 - 22:36 AMT
Today the session of the Defense and Security Committee began in the Georgian Parliament. It considers the situation in Samtskhe-Javakhetia region, as well as in Pankis and Kodor canyons. The session is held behind the closed doors. Representatives of force structures, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other interested departments participate in it besides the deputies. Let us remind that wide response was caused by the recent television appearance of the leader of the local government body of the town of Akhalkalaki, who supposed that autonomy would let Javakhetia improve the economic situation in the region. "Arminfo" agency reports making reference to "BS Press" agency, Chairman of "XXI Century" group Vakhtang Bochorishvili expressed concern about the statement at the Georgian Parliament bureau session. He suggested calling a special session of the Parliament to discuss the question of Javakhetia and the available information, to determine the Parliament's position and present it to the President for making a certain decision. In Bochorishvili's opinion, the Armenian Government controls the Armenian diaspora in Georgia and such statements are made with Yerevan being aware. Chairman of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze came out against calling a session on Javakhetia. In her words, such statements made by the representatives of non-governmental organizations do not correspond to the general moods of the region population and do not have a key role in Akhalkalaki. Burjanadze stressed that in the course of her recent visit to Yerevan she made sure that the Armenian leaders attached huge importance to maintenance of normal relations with Georgia and the country leadership was not interested in the tense situation in Javakhetia.