February 19, 2002 - 22:36 AMT
Poland authorities are interested in the construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. As acting charge' d'affairs of Poland in Armenia Petr Ivashkevich has stated in his interview for «Mediamax» agency «Warsaw watches the realization of the construction of the gas pipeline closely». According to him, Polish side is interested in the idea of Turkmen gas supplies to Armenia and further to Europe through Iran's territory and it would be fine if the idea were realized. «I have also heard about interest of Ukraine side in extension of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline through the Black Sea to Feodosia. So, welcome.» The acting charge' d'affairs has also added that he reported to official Warsaw on the perspectives of practical participation of Polish side in the construction of the gas pipeline and at the present moment he is waiting for the answer. «I think it is necessary to think over this perspective seriously», has stressed Petr Ivashkevich.