December 14, 2009 - 17:17 AMT
Armenia's government not intend to allocate funds for NKR settlement program
Last year, Armenian  authorities approved our proposals for the draft budget of 2009, but it turned out that 90 per cent  of our proposals  were suspended then,  Artsvik Minasyan , ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary group member told  a press conference in Yerevan today.  According to him, this year the ARF was ready to abandon all its proposals on the draft budget for 2010, in exchange for one project - to increase financing of  the NKR settlement program, which was rejected by the authorities.    
"The government decided to allocate funds for schools without giving reasons for its decision, but refused to accept such an important project as  Karabakh  settlement,"  Artsvik Minasyan said.     
In turn, a member of the Republican Party of Armenia   Gagik Minasyan stressed that the decision to provide financial aid to schools has long been in government programs. He also noted that the Armenian authorities have increased assistance to Karabakh by AMD 2 billion copmared to the amount originally projected.    
"We do not have to say to Karabakh how to handle money, it would mean that we do not trust them. NKR knows better how to use funds and which issue is a priority for them, " Gagik Minasyan  said.