December 19, 2009 - 13:39 AMT
Russia, the U.S. and Turkey to cooperate in missile defense?
Before the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the U.S. the Ambassador of Russia to Turkey Vladimir Ivanovski in his interview to the Aksham spoke of the possibility of cooperation between Russia, Turkey and the U.S. in missile defense. According to the diplomat, such a system involving three countries can be established in Turkey. 

Vladimir Ivanovski also stressed the importance of the joint policy of Moscow, Washington and Ankara on a number of regional issues. In particular, the three states can work together on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. 
"Turkey turns into a regional force. Therefore, in such regional issues as problems of  Middle East and South Caucasus, the United States and Russia should take into account the position of Turkey, " Russian diplomat said. 

According to him,   U.S., NATO and Russia have extensive discussions on the missile defense shield. "There are no results so far, but in the case of agreements for the joint system Russia is ready to provide their radar. We are not against Turkey's involvement. We have a radar system in Azerbaijan. If Turkey is included in the new missile defense system, then we can move a radar station form Azerbaijan to Turkey. Against which threats and challenges is this system created? Can Iran attack Europe? I do not believe it ", the Ambassador of Russia to Turkey said. 

Any decision related to the further fate of the radar station, to be agreed with Baku, the newspaper said.