December 19, 2009 - 14:03 AMT
Central Bank: Weekly review
Between December 7 and 13 banks purchased 60,216,554 U.S. dollars at 379.87 AMD/USD and sold 57,925,934 U.S. dollars at 381.73  AMD/USD in the inter-bank market , press office of the Central Bank of Armenia reported. 

At the same time sale and purchase transactions in the interbank market reached USD 4,200,000 at 382.5 AMD/USD. 

Within the same period sale and purchase transactions in the NASDAQ OMX reached in USD 13,490,000 at 375.24 AMD/USD.
From December 7 to 13 Armenia's banks granted loans totaling  AMD 13.3 billion, and dollar-denominated loans reaching USD 26 million.