January 8, 2010 - 15:50 AMT
Armenian National Congress launched rally in Yerevan
Armenian National Congress launched a rally in Yerevan, with 400 supporters of ANC gathering near the monument to Vardan Mamikonyan to express their support to editor of Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper Nikol Pashinyan (currently detained), who is running for the Armenian parliament.

Member of ANM board (Armenian National Movement, a former ruling party) Aram Manukyan specified in his speech that all political forces of the Armenian National Congress will be involved in the election campaign.

ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrossian, leader of People's Party of Armenia Stepan Demirchyan, chairman of Political Council of Republic party Aram Sargsyan, chairman of ANM board Ararat Zurabyan, former Deputy Prosecutor General of Armenia Gagik Jhangiryan attended the rally.