January 8, 2010 - 16:26 AMT
ANC will not hold protest rallies in connection with Protocols' discussion at RA Constitutional Court

At present, Armenian National Congress (ANC) will not hold protest rallies in connection with oncoming Protocols-related discussion at RA Constitutional Court, ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan said.

As he told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, current authorities are the only ones to decide as to Protocols ratification.

As he noted, the problem lies not in decisions, already taken, but rather in failure of Armenian policy. "We see today that the process is related to Karabakh conflict settlement, though authorities' statements indicated the opposite. Their forecasts on Turkey's ratifying protocols in December did not come true either," Zurabyan emphasized.

Commenting on recently circulated information about secret Gul-Medvedev negotiations on Armenia-Turkey rapprochement, Zurabyan noted that Russia-Turkey negotiations wouldn't have mattered to Armenia, had Serzh Sargsyan's foreign policy justified itself. "At present any agreement, supporting Russia's and Turkey's interests, is possible. Our authorities have to support Armenia's interests. Yet, unfortunately, all our authorities are concerned about is preserving power," he stressed.