January 14, 2010 - 14:26 AMT
Lavrov comments on hearsay on coincidence of his visit to Yerevan with Erdogan's visit to Moscow
An agreement on Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Yerevan was achieved six weeks ago.

"It's a scheduled visit and has nothing to do with the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Moscow," Mr. Lavrov said when commenting on the hearsay on coincidence of his visit to Yerevan with Erdogan's visit to Moscow.

"We agreed on my visit to Yerevan six weeks ago while Turkish PM decided to visit Moscow just several days ago. So, you might just as well link my visit to any other event in any spot on the globe," he said.

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbanidan for his part confirmed that Sergei Lavrov was invited to Armenia during the OSCE Ministerial Council in Athens in December 2009.