December 17, 2001 - 23:03 AMT
Tension in connection with Mikael Mahmudov's claims for deputy mandate grows in the regions of Georgia that are inhabited by Azeris. After parliament deputy David Magradze abdicated responsibility, a candidate who follows him in the list of "Union of Citizens of Georgia" should take his place. Mahmudov was the next in the list presented to the central electoral commission three years ago. But it is known that the party leadership expelled him about a year ago. Nevertheless, the Azeris residing in Georgia claim deputy mandate for Mahmudov and threaten the central authorities with mass disobedience actions.
One of the leaders of the Azeri community of Georgia Kamal Muradhanli expressed dissatisfaction with the official Baku position regarding the conflict burst out. In his words, "the official authorities behave as if everything is fine with Azeris in Georgia." "It vexes us very much, as if something happens to an Armenian, Kocharian appears on the television, takes some steps on the spot. But you can never await for Azeri leadership response to the happening with the compatriots in Georgia," - Muradhanli says. "Azerbaijan is indifferent about the fortune of the compatriots living in Georgia," - he concludes.