February 24, 2010 - 18:42 AMT
Choir of Armenian church and cultural community of Berlin to perform at Berlin Philharmonic

On March 1 the Berlin Philharmonic Hall will host a concert of a newly formed choir of the Armenian church and cultural community of Berlin. "We have received an invitation from Berlin Philharmonic to participate in the "Intercultural Dialogue" project and accepted it, since it is a good way to get acquainted with other cultures, " the spiritual leader of the Armenian church and cultural community of Berlin and Northern Germany, Archimandrite Yeghishe Avetisyan said.
According to him, the concert will feature the choirs of the Kurdish and Assyrian communities of Germany.

"We sing songs of Komitas and we hope to expand our repertoire. The participation of Armenian Navy Band’ soloist Arto Tunchboyajyan and the KardeşTürküler Turkish group is also likely, we also will sing several songs together, but do not know yet in which language, " head of the choir Seda Peshiktashlian told PanARMENIAN.Net.