February 24, 2010 - 20:07 AMT
Official recognition of Armenian Genocide has no alternative

Unprecedented developments took place in the process of Armenian-Turkish reconciliation and the Karabakh conflict settlement. Again, attempts are made to satisfy the interests of external forces at the Armenian people’s benefits. Fortunately, the Armenians started to understand the hidden and obvious threats brought by the Armenian-Turkish process. However, until now, the freedom and independence of Artsakh’s people is under threat. On the other hand, the Armenian population of Javakhk is deprived of elementary rights, a joint statement of three Armenian traditional parties ARFD, Social Democratic Hnchak Party and Ramkavar Liberal Party says.

"International recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide is important both in terms of values of human civilization, and Armenia’s security. We are consistent in our just struggle and call on the Armenian authorities and all political and public forces, all structures of the Armenian Diaspora to unite display to the world a single position over national issues,” the statement of the political parties says.

Many nations of the world officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, and it has no alternative, the statement says.