March 1, 2010 - 14:29 AMT
Meat prices in Armenia to decrease only in summer

Decrease of meat prices in Armenia is expected in June-July, not in May, said Hrachya Berberyan, chairman of Agrarian-Peasant Union of Armenia.

According to him, the market dictates its own conditions, and “it’s not a secret that livestock production has decreased by 10% minimum”. “Should livestock yield increase, it’ll lead to a 10% cut in meat prices,” he said.

Earlier, Mr. Berberyan stated that the rise in mutton prices in 2009 is explained by increase of export. “Mutton prices range from AMD 3000 to AMD 4000 per kg, while the pork prices dropped, ranging from AMD 3000-3500 to AMD 2000-2500 due to the current restoration of pigstry. Increase of beef prices is not significant and related to the increase of fuel costs,” he said.