March 4, 2010 - 16:04 AMT
The work of will be restored within several hours

As Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan , chairman of the center told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the framework of their web site was outdated and therefore it was easily broken. "The work of will be restored within several hours. Besides, the new site will be ready at, " he said.

According to him, illegal actions of the Azerbaijani hackers are conditioned by the fact that Armenia has recently been able to successfully repel the anti-Armenian propaganda waged by Azerbaijan. In particular, facts about falsifications of «evidence» in Khojalu have been publicized at

Mitq Analytical Center conducts analysis of ethnic, religious, political and economic processes in South Caucasus and adjacent regions. Particular attention is paid to the relationships of the South Caucasus with international military, political, economic, and transnational organizations. Research and analysis are conducted by experts engaged in research teams and outside experts.