March 4, 2010 - 20:15 AMT
Gary Ackerman: The U.S. Congress must no longer delay recognition of Armenian Genocide

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs of cannot again postpone the recognition of the Armenian Genocide , Rep. Gary Ackerman (New York) said at a hearing of the Committee on the Armenian Genocide recognition by the United States and the adoption of Armenian genocide resolution 252. "Today, witnesses to the Armenian Genocide are in the hall here, one of them is 98-year-old, how much can they wait? Should we tell them once again to turn to us next year? History should be recognized. This problem should be solved here and now, " Ackerman said.

In turn, Congressman Chris Smith (New Jersey) said that Turkey is pursuing an aggressive propaganda aimed at denying the Armenian Genocide and the United States Congress should not remain indifferent to this issue. He added that the Congress has experience in genocide recognition, since in the past, he acknowledged the Holocaust. "We must not become complicit in the denial of crimes committed by Turkey," Chris Smith said. He noted that Armenian-Turkish relations normalization is possible only in case of recognition of the past.