March 11, 2010 - 16:52 AMT
Turkey unconcerned over its international image

Turkey still identifies itself with Ottoman Empire, continuing with threats and speaking from the position of force. Recalling Turkish Ambassador to US following US House Foreign Affairs Committee’s passage of Genocide resolution is an obvious example of it, according to RA NAS Institute director Ashot Melkonyan.

Commenting on the possibility of dramatic decrease of Turkey’s international rating in case of failure to ratify Protocols, Melkonyan stated that Turkey does not care about its international image where its national image is concerned.

At the same time, the expert noted that Turkey is facing a number of internal issues, including that of Kurdish factor.

According to Melkonyan, Turkey has two options: integration with Europe or taking the path of fundamental Islam. “Still, in either case Kurdish issue remains a complicated one,” the historian stated at news conference in Yerevan.