March 31, 2010 - 11:15 AMT
Azerbaijan constantly deranges OSCE monitoring

The OSCE mission holds a planned monitoring of the contact line of Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces near the village of Berkaber, Tavush region.

“Azeri servicemen have developed a habit of firing upon the Armenian territory from large-caliber weapons,” said Armen Ghularyan, governor of Tavush region of Armenia. “We take no notice of Kalashnikov gun fire. It’s like throwing stones. But the caliber of Azeri-used weapons is constantly growing.”

As a PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent reported from Tavush, the Azeri side continually frustrates OSCE monitoring of the frontline alleging incapability to ensure officers’ security. “The Armenian side guarantees not 100% but 1000% security,” he quoted Mr. Ghularyan as saying.

For his part, frontier commissioner Andranik Mkrtumyan reminded that Azerbaijan rejected the proposal on withdrawal of snipers put forward during last year’s OSCE Summit in Helsinki.