March 31, 2010 - 13:01 AMT
Social issues in government’s focus, RA Finance Minister says

The Armenian government implements various social programs in accordance with the national budget potential, RA Minister of Finance said.

“We try our utmost to maximally alleviate the pressure on the vulnerable strata of the population but no country can fully obviate the needs of the poor,” Tigran Davtyan told reporters on Wednesday.

On March 25, 2010, the government approved 11% and 15% rise in pensions and allowances respectively to compensate the rise in gas prices.

“Social issues are always in the government’s focus,” Minister Davtyan said. “A special working group was formed to develop a package of measures to be taken to assist the needy families.”

According to him, monthly gas expenses will increase by AMD 2500 from April 1.

Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mkhitar Mnatsakanyan said for his part that “social hardships are temporary and the government will exert every effort to make social allowances consistent.”