March 31, 2010 - 16:42 AMT
Radiological center opens in Yerevan

A radiological center built with the assistance of the Armenian General Benevolent Union and Yerevan State Medical University opened in Yerevan on March 31.

In her opening remarks, University rector Gohar Kalyan said that the center is unique in the South Caucasus. “Three major problems have been resolved for the past 3 years: a building was built, modern equipment purchased and specialists trained in the best clinics of Europe and United States,” she said.

The construction cost $4.5 million, of which $1.7 million was provided by philanthropists Nazar and Artemis Nazarian. At their request, the center was named after their son, well-known American radiologist Levon Nazarian. An AMD 2.8 million loan was also made to accomplish construction and purchase the essential equipment.

After the opening ceremony, attending Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Minister of Healthcare Harutyun Kushkyan and Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan saw round the building.