March 31, 2010 - 17:11 AMT
Artak Shakaryan: key to reconciliation is in the hands of Armenian and Turkish societies

The visit of Turkish experts and high ranking officials to Armenia to participate in RA-Turkey expert discussions proved that neither side had any idea of another’s expectations, expert Artak Shakaryan said.

As he told a news conference in Yerevan, before visiting Armenia, Turkish experts used to believe Armenians’ couldn’t wait for the opening of the border with Turkey. They made sure of the opposite, having been given a chance to communicate with Armenia’s representatives. “Armenia spoke of the necessity to open the border, at the same time emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the Armenian Genocide. Rapprochement issue can’t be resolved by either of two countries; Armenian and Turkish societies must be the ones to find a solution,’ Armenian expert said.

As he noted, Armenian side indents to pay a return visit to Istanbul and Ankara to meet with representatives of Turkish elite. “The key to reconciliation is in the hands of Armenian and Turkish societies,” Artak Shakaryan stressed.

In July-August 2010, Eurasia collaboration fund will open a summer school for journalists, where students will be familiarized with the position of Turkish parties on Armenian Genocide recognition, as well as their perception of Armenia, the expert stated.