March 31, 2010 - 19:01 AMT
Consumer price growth amounts to 0,8% in March 2010

In March 2010, 0,8% inflation was registered on Armenian consumer market compared to February; inflation was caused by 1,2-6,1% price increase for provisions (eggs, fruit, meat foods, butter, vegetable oil and sugar).

Besides, food products prices (including tobacco and alcoholic beverages) increased by 0,9%, non-food products prices grew by 0,8%, and services’ prices - by 0.8%.

Consumer price index comprised 108,8% in March 2010 compared with 2009 results. According to National Statistic Service data, food products index (including tobacco and alcoholic beverages) comprised 106.3%, non-food products index totalled 114.3%, index for services - 110.6%.