April 6, 2010 - 13:44 AMT
Certain progress in human rights protection observed in Armenia

The congress of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is organized in Armenia, because there is a certain progress in the field of human rights protection in Armenia, FIDH chairman Souhayr Belhassen said in Yerevan.

According to her, progress should also be made in the justice system. “We understand it is very difficult to change the entire system and during the event we will focus on the problems Armenia is experiencing,” she said.

“The problem of political prisoners will be discussed, as well as the need to identify those responsible for the deaths of 10 people on March 1, 2008. FIDH will work closely with the leadership of the country,” Mrs. Belhassen said.

According to FIDH executive director Antoine Bernard, the protection of human rights has become an international problem.

“The situation with human rights in Armenia is much better than in other CIS countries and the whole region,” said Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian human right advocate and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, who takes part in the congress.