April 6, 2010 - 22:49 AMT
ALMA hosts Hayk Demoyan’s book presentation

> On April 6, the Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA) featured a highly anticipated book presentation by Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Armenian Genocide Museum director. Hayk Demoyan presented his new Armenian-language books, which trace the development and evolution of athletics in Armenia through sports artefacts and archives.

“Sports and Athletics in the Ottoman Empire” features the history of sports and physical training among the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire. The rise of athletic clubs, the organization of Pan-Armenian Olympic Games, and establishment of boy scouts are among the remarkable topics Demoyan covers in this fascinating run through of Armenia's longstanding sports history. The histories of how the athletic movement in Western Armenia and Cilicia developed and the development of Armenian women sports unions are also discussed.

The presentation also covered the first two volumes of the encyclopaedia on Armenians Wars and Martial Arts, an ongoing project that introduces Armenian and international readers to newly discovered facts about warfare, martial arts and armour development in Armenian history. At completion this specialized encyclopaedia will include 50 volumes. Demoyan will focus his presentation on the Bronze Age (Vol. 1) and the Kingdom of Van (Vol. 2).