April 13, 2010 - 13:34 AMT
RA NA Speaker suggests holding Armenian-Lebanese business forum in September

During a three-day working visit to Lebanon, Armenian National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan met with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to discuss bilateral economic issues.

Attaching importance to development of economic ties between Armenia and Lebanon, Mr. Abrahamyan suggested holding an Armenian-Lebanese business forum in September in the framework of Lebanese PM’s visit to Yerevan.

In discussion of the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement, Mr. Hariri hailed Armenia’s initiatives aimed at ensuring regional security and stability.

After the meeting, Hovik Abrahamyan laid a wreath at the tomb of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Afterwards, he visited the town of Balabek and had a short meeting with town’s mayor.

In the evening, the delegation led by Mr. Abrahamyan visited the town of Anjar, where the Armenian community resides. The NA Speaker laid a wreath at the Musa Dagh heroes memorial and then met with the Armenian community representatives, the RA NA press service reported.