June 25, 2010 - 15:39 AMT
Hamlet Harutyunyan: Armenia has to give adequate response to Azeri encroachments

June 18 incident on the line of contact of NKR and Azeri armed forces has a Turkish handwriting: attacking sleeping people under the cover of the night is characteristic of Turkey, RPA member Hamlet Harutyunyan stated.

As he told a news conference in Yerevan, Azeri side used somewhat relaxed vigilance of Armenia to initiate the subversive attack. “Armenia has to give adequate response to Azeri encroachments, instead of acting out a role of the dove of peace. Armenia won in a war against Azerbaijan; the winner must always have a moral advantage,” he stressed.

RPA member slammed international community’s reaction to the incident near the village of Chaylu, characterizing it as belated and ambiguous.