July 7, 2010 - 13:11 AMT
Alexander Iskandaryan: NATO peacekeeping forces stationing in Karabakh impossible

Caucasus Institute Director Alexander Iskandaryan has said that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement that Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be resolved taking into account of people of NKR, Armenia and Azerbaijan does not mean that U.S. agrees to re-engagement of Artsakh in negotiations, which is strongly opposed by Azerbaijan.

According to him, the statement demonstrates U.S. consent with Madrid Principles, reading that the will of NKR population should be taken into consideration.

“There will be no serious progress during the current year, as positions of the sides are polar opposites,” Iskandaryan said.

Asked whether NATO peacekeeping forces may be stationed in Karabakh in the near future, he said it’s impossible.