July 7, 2010 - 13:14 AMT
Eduard Sharmazanov: Aliyev deserves a new international award as ‘author of fairy tales’

Listening to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, you can come to a conclusion that the ‘sultan’, presenting lies as reality can be the best aspirant for a new international award as ‘author of fairy tales’, said Eduard Sharmazanov, secretary of the Republican Party of Armenia.

“Aliyev seems not to understand that the people of NKR are to determine their fate through free expression of will, as envisaged by OSCE MG proposals,” he said.

“Aliyev’s lies become more evident when he says that Armenians came to Arstakh in early 19th century. Citing not only Armenian but also world-known historians and I would like to advise this ignorant diplomat to visit Rome to see the map on the Roman Forum, where Armenia is carved together with Artsakh. I would also like to remind Aliyev that his country – Azerbaijan – was founded 2 thousand years after Rome,” Sharmazanov said.