July 19, 2010 - 18:34 AMT
Atom Mkhitaryan: Armenian youth is able to solve regional issues

Chairman of the RA National Assembly Standing Commission on Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Artak Davtyan said that the Armenian youth has contributed significantly to our countries security.

“This is proved by the fact that youth representatives basically serve in the Armenian army,” Davtyan told a press conference on July 19.

However, Head of Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia NGO Atom Mkhitaryan noted that the most important thing is to apply young people's knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and diligence for the solution of regional problems.

According to researches, only 5% of youth is active in Armenia, said Mkhitaryan, adding that this figure needs to be increased.

Nevertheless, Mkhitaryan noted that Armenia has achieved some success in implementing youth projects and attracting funds to Armenia.