July 26, 2010 - 16:07 AMT
Samvel Nikoyan: in case of war Azeries will fight for nothing but self-created myths

Vice speaker of Armenian parliament Samvel Nikoyan characterized Madrid Principles as the only acceptable basis for Karabakh conflict settlement.

As he stated at news conference in Yerevan, “St. Petersburg suggestions are aimed at effective implementation of Madrid Principles. So-called revised Madrid Principles do not exist, with no one but Azeri side speaking of them seriously.”

Commenting on the probability of hostilities renewal in Karabakh conflict zone, Samvel Nikoyan pointed out, “There’s always a probability of a war, so if Armenia wants peace, it should be prepared for a war.”

“Azeri President’s militaristic statements could be countered by a reminder: all Armenian authorities, from the President to Defence Minister went through Karabakh war. Where was the Azeri President when the war was waged?”

“In case of war, NKR Defence Army soldiers will have their homes to fight for, while Azeries will fight for nothing but self-created myths,” Samvel Nikoyan stressed in conclusion.