July 27, 2010 - 13:48 AMT
Chess: FIDE Candidates for 2011 are moved to Kazan from Baku

The FIDE Candidates for 2011 will be held in Kazan, Russia. They have been moved from Baku, Azerbaijan. The decision was taken at the Presidential Board in Tromso, Norway.

Armenia's GM Levon Aronyan stated earlier that he wouldn't play in Baku

The Azerbaijan nominee Shakhriyar Mamedyarov will not lose his place in the Candidates.

However the bitterness Topalov holds towards his loss in Elista in his world title match has resulted in him releasing a letter saying he would not play in Russia, especially against a Russian opponent (in fact Kramnik is the only Russian).

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is going to write a letter to Topalov asking him not to take hasty decisions. If Topalov still refuses to go to Kazan, his place will be number three in the final minutes of Grand Prix FIDE Russian Alexander Grischuk, chess.co.uk reported.