July 27, 2010 - 15:21 AMT
Araik Sargsyan: sooner or later Russia will manage to regain its influence over South Caucasus

Vice-Chairman of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems Araik Sargsyan said that the U.S. will continue its military expansion from Macedonia to South Korea to preserve its influence in the world. Currently, over 550,000 soldiers of the U.S. armed forces are stationed at that line, Sargsyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

According to him, the U.S. is no longer able to preserve its supremacy in the world through economic and financial might, thus, it uses armed forces to this end. “If the U.S. continues increasing its military presence at this line, the world war III will become inevitable, and it is not important from where it will start – Iran or Korea,” said Sargsyan.

He noted that, most likely, hostilities against Iran are possible in future. “The war against Iran has not been launched up to date, as the U.S. knows that blitzkrieg is impossible in case of Iran,” noted Sargsyan.

As for the U.S. interests in South Caucasus, Sargsyan said that currently all the countries of the region – Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan – agree their foreign policy with the U.S. “However, sooner or later Russia will manage to regain its influence over the South Caucasus. The U.S. will offer its geopolitical assets for sale, and Russia will purchase them,” concluded Sargsyan.