October 19, 2010 - 17:22 AMT
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition program in energy system launched in Armenia

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) program in the energy system was officially launched with participation of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen Movsisyan and Japanese Ambassador to Armenia Masaharu Kono on October 19 in Yerevan.

Armen Movsisyan said in his welcoming speech that, as part of Electricity Transmission and Distribution System loan agreement between the Armenian government and Japanese Bank of International Cooperation, 5bln 399mln Japanese Yens (around $56mln) were allocated to Armenia for implementation of the first stage of SCADA. The Minister also briefed on details of SCADA fist stage implementation, including works at 14 substations and 12 producing stations. “All substations and stations are connected to the National Center of Regulation through transmission lines with total length of 450km, as well as 22km-long underground fiber-optic cables,” the Minister said.

Armen Movsisyan noted that the introduction of SCADA will allow managing more efficiently the energy system as a whole.

Japanese Ambassador to Armenia Masaharu Kono noted for his part that the project is of keen importance, as it allows decreasing energy losses, what in its turn will lead to stability in the country’s energy system. “Our countries have established good relations. To boost them, we are ready to support Armenia’s efforts aimed at the country’s development,” he said.