October 28, 2010 - 16:08 AMT
Russian political expert urges for optimism in Karabakh issue

Alexei Vlasov, editor-in-chief of Vestnik Kavkaza analytical information portal, does not preclude the possibility of signing a document on Karabakh settlement at the upcoming OSCE summit in Astana in December.

"I think that there will be no breakthrough at the summit in Astana. But a kind of protocol of intentions will be signed," Vlasov stated.

Vlasov said that the Madrid principles will form the basis for further negotiations in its adapted variant or classical version.

Vlasov characterized the progress achieved at October 27 meeting between the presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan as an important step forward. "Though this might not be the greatest step from the geopolitical viewpoint, however, it’s an important one to public opinion in both Armenia and Azerbaijan," Vlasov said.

The fact that the prisoners of war will be returned and the bodies of killed military will be exchanged is not a breakthrough, but a step towards a dialogue, he added.

The expert said that it is important for Russia to support dynamics of a dialogue at the present stage of negotiations.

Yesterday's agreement is the maximum that can be achieved at present in negotiations on Karabakh conflict, Vlasov said.

Vlasov urged experts to must be more optimistic, characterizing the year 2011 as a decisive one in Karabakh conflict settlement, Trend reported.