December 9, 2010 - 15:22 AMT
Eduard Sharmazanov: should the necessity arise, RPA will put the bill on Armenia’s recognition of NKR independence on parliamentary agenda

Should the necessity arise, Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), as a political majority in parliament, will put the bill on Armenia’s recognition of NKR independence on National Assembly agenda, RPA secretary Eduard Sharmazanov stated.

As he told a news conference, the coalitions’ decision to refrain from participating in Heritage-submitted bill voting was not a mere whim.

“Up till now, my Heritage colleagues failed to persuade me that Armenia’s recognition of NKR independence might somehow promote the international acknowledgement of Artsakh’s independence,” RPA secretary noted, commenting on coalition’s decision on non-participation in voting.

In conclusion, Sharmazanov reminded about presidential statement on readiness to recognize Artsakh independence in case of Azerbaijan’s military aggression.

On December 9, a voting for the bill on recognition of Artsakh independence in Armenian parliament was scheduled. The 13 MPs present voted for Artsakh independence acknowledgement. However, the voting was announced void for the absence of quorum.