January 8, 2011 - 12:31 AMT
West’s interference in Karabakh conflict worsens the situation

The Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be settled through talks, chairman of Tabriz Chamber of Commerce said.

“The West’s interference in the conflict worsens the situation,” Hausheng Faker said in a meeting with Rajab Safarov, the head of Iranian commission in the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.

Resolution of Karabakh conflict will secure reopening of Julfa-Moscow railway communication, which transported over 400 trailers every day, according to him.

Safarov, for his part, noted that the West “is worried that Iran can strengthen its positions in the region as an international mediator if the conflict is settled.”

“It’s illogical that a strategically important railway remained blocked for a long period of time,” he said, Iran.ru reported.