May 17, 2001 - 23:09 AMT
YEREVAN, May 17. /Mediamax/. Israel is of economic interest to Armenia, and the activation of relations between the businessmen of both countries will allow to create necessary legal base for cooperation.
As Mediamax was told in the press service of the government, Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margarian stated this at today's meeting with the Ambassador of Israel in Armenia, Ehud Eytam (residence in Tbilisi). In his turn, the Israeli diplomat reminded the Premier that the agreement, reached in 2000 between the presidents of Armenia and Israel on a visit of Armenian governmental officials and businessmen to Israel, remains in force.
The head of the Armenian Government congratulated the Ambassador with the national holiday of Israel - the Independence Day. Andranik Margarian expressed regret in connection with the crisis situation, formed in the near-east peace process. I hope the way out, which will put an end to the armed conflicts and violence, is found in the shortest possible time, Premier Margarian said. --0--