February 22, 2011 - 11:07 AMT
OIC calls to avoid bloodshed in troubled Muslim states

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is urging all those concerned in troubled Muslim countries to resort to peaceful means to avoid violence and bloodshed.

The organization was following with "deep concern" the unfolding events, OIC secretary-general Prof Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said in a statement.

The Jeddah-based body said it deplored the loss of lives and destruction of properties.

"Clearly, the countries are going through difficult times which should be dealt with a great deal of patience, wisdom and forward-looking vision," he said.

Countries such as Bahrain, Libya and Yemen have been rocked by anti-government protests on the heels of similar uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt that toppled long-ruling leaders.

Ihsanoglu said the OIC was confident that the people in the countries concerned would steer through these critical times in a conciliatory and peaceful manner.

He noted that the aspirations of the Muslim world for good governance, rule of law, promotion of human rights, fighting corruption and the expansion of political participation and comprehensive development was recognized by the OIC Charter in its fundamental principles.

"The OIC is certain that the great nations of the Muslim ummah are able, without any foreign interference, to rise up to these challenges towards accomplishing a prosperous and progressive future," he added, Bernama reported.