April 14, 2001 - 19:06 AMT
YEREVAN, April 14. /Mediamax/. The Collective Security Agreement (CSA) acquired "new breath" in 2000, Secretary General of Collective Security Council (CSC), Valerie Nikolayenko said today at a briefing in Yerevan. The Secretary General completes his visit to Armenia today.
Nikolayenko reminded that a memorandum about increasing the efficiency of CSA and its adaptation to new geopolitical situations was adopted last year in Minsk. CSC Secretary General said the formation of regional collective security systems in 3 directions began in 2000: the European (Russia and Belarus), the Caucasian (Russia and Armenia) and the Central-Asian (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan). The military-technical cooperation of the member-states of the agreement has also activated within the frames of CSA, V. Nikolayenko said.
The Collective Security Agreement played a great role in the formation of the armed forces of ex-Soviet republics, CSC Secretary General said.
CSA was signed on 15 May 1992. At present, the agreement has 6 members - Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, and Tajikistan. --0--