March 1, 2001 - 18:39 AMT
YEREVAN, March 1. /Mediamax/. "I support Kocharian-Aliyev face-to-face meetings as they create a certain kind of frankness", said Armenian ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosian in the interview to French "l'Express" weekly, published by Yerevan "Azg" paper today.
"They have to find a solution to the Karabakh conflict. However, the two presidents have already met more than ten times without achieving any result, which may depreciate the process. By the way, despite the breakdown of talks within the OSCE frames, it wasn't really necessary to restrict them to high level meetings only", Ter-Petrosian said.
"So foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan should meet more frequently. What is important today is to get a speedy result", Armenian ex president stressed. --0--