May 24, 2011 - 14:54 AMT
EU deeply concerned over incidents in South Caucasus

The European Union's Foreign Affairs Council has discussed regional stability and conflict resolution in the South Caucasus.

“The Council held an exchange of views on the current situation in the South Caucasus and a possible EU role in the region,” according to a preliminary report on the meeting published by the EU. The meeting of the European Union’s foreign ministers focused on the need for regional stability, conflict resolution and the importance of making full use of the Eastern Partnership. “The discussion took place against the background of rising tensions in the region, in particular concerning Nagorno Karabakh and Georgia,” the meeting report said.

Summing up the meeting results, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said, “We have also discussed developments in the South Caucasus and exchanged views on the situation in Karabakh and Georgia. We are deeply concerned over the fatal incidents in Georgia last week and Karabakh over the weekend.”