July 1, 2011 - 17:57 AMT
Ali Hasanov: new war in Karabakh can be started any time

Azerbaijan's presidential administration representative Ali Hasanov commented on Kazan-hosted Armenia-Russia-Azerbaijan meeting on Karabakh conflict settlement.

“I don't believe that Kazan meeting was the last in the series of talks for peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict. The meetings have to continue, as the negotiations' potential hasn't exhausted itself,” Hasanov said.

“OSCE MG co-chairs, as well as the presidents of co-chairing states have to increase its pressure on Armenia to alter its “unconstructive position”,” he noted.

Commenting on the possibility of a new war, Hasanov noted, that a new war can be started any time, yet the potential of negotiations must be used to its full extent, according to 1news.az.