October 11, 2011 - 14:30 AMT
Hackers attack Turkish main opposition party website

A hacker group attacked the official website of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) early on Tuesday, October 11, Today’s Zaman reported.

The group, calling itself netdevilz, posted pornographic material on the website, which was later removed after the attack was noticed.

In a message posted on the website, the group accused the CHP of diverting from the path of the founder of the modern Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. “You shot pornographic films; you were occupied with your own troubles and you forgot the people. But we will not forget what you have done,” the message read.

The group may be referring to the publication of a video clip in 2009 purportedly showing the party's ex-leader, Deniz Baykal, in a bedroom with a female party deputy.