November 18, 2011 - 14:55 AMT
Yerevan hosts Cvetana Paskalevsa’s Wounds of Karabakh DVD presentation

On November 18, Yerevan hosted presentation of Wounds of Karabakh DVD by distinguished Bulgarian journalist and documentary filmmaker Tsvetana Paskaleva.

“The film frames remind us of the horrible days people of Nagorno Karabakh faced for four years. I am not sure I will have enough courage to go through these tragedies with them, see their tears and wounds,” Paskaleva said, thus explaining the title.

She noted that Karabakh war changed her entire life forcing her to live in Karabakh and follow the developments. “The longer I stayed in Karabakh the more I wanted to live further to witness a peaceful settlement of the conflict,” she said.

“This is a huge project - 7 documentaries that the world was in severe need of. It is also needed for true understanding of the Karabakh conflict, which is pending a peaceful resolution,” Paskaleva said.

The DVD released by Armenian Music Center company will be available in six languages: Armenian, Russian, English, Spanish, French, Bulgarian.