December 17, 2003 - 18:40 AMT
Armenian deputies today passed the bill of law "On alternative military service" in the last reading. According to the document, those citizens of Armenia, to whose religious beliefs service in army with bearing arms is contrary, can pass alternative service. The term of alternative service is 3 years (in contrast to the 2-year term service in the armed forces of Armenia.) Those passing alternative service will not be able to occupy high state posts providing for bearing arms in the future. The law will come into force in July 2004. According to forecasts of the military, the number of alternative servicemen will make a few thousand, which will not tell on the combatant value of the Armenian army. It should be reminded that the passing of the law on alternative military service is one of the commitments of Armenia to the Council of Europe. The conveying to alternative system of service in Armenia should be held simultaneously to the similar process in Azerbaijan.